We Take All The Sourcing Risks, So You Do Not Have To!

At Rieke Direct, we understand how daunting it might be to choose a packaging solution that does not meet your product’s specifications. You could be taking a big risk with no way to back your decisions up.

However, our knowledgeable team is here to ensure you are making the best decision for your packaging needs. We handle all of the logistics and conduct all the necessary compatibility testing to guarantee your dispensing pump, foamer or sprayer is the perfect fit.

For example, Rieke Direct offers compatibility testing to verify your product is chemically compatible with the packaging product of your choice. We also use ISTA-6 testing to guarantee that your packaging solution will not leak or sustain any damage during transit.

Working with our team of experts will ensure you that your product is functioning properly, and that you are getting the right specification every time.

We assume all the sourcing risks, so you do not have to!

Discover how we can help you. Get in touch today.